Ocean Brands is committed to preserving the health of our oceans for future generations. Working closely with our suppliers, our goal is to ensure that all our seafood is sustainably sourced, caught using responsible fishing methods, and from fisheries we can trust.
Our Partners

Marine Stewardship Council

Marine Stewardship Council
An international non-profit organization, the Marine Stewardship Council is on a mission to protect our oceans and seafood supply. Working with fisheries, scientists, and seafood industry stakeholders, MSC ensures that our oceans are fished responsibly and that you, the consumer, can easily find seafood that is certified sustainable.
Only seafood that meets three key criteria earns MSC certification:
- Healthy stock status
- Sustainable habitat and by-catch impact
- Successful fishery management
So, when you see the MSC blue fish label on your favourite seafood, like many of our Ocean’s products, you can rest assured that it was caught wild using sustainable fishing methods and is traceable from ocean to table. By choosing products with this label, you are directly supporting fisheries that take care of our oceans.
Learn more about MSC.


With a growing network of partners, Cleanhub collects and repurposes plastic before it enters the world’s oceans. By calculating their plastic footprint and paying for the equivalent to be collected, sustainable brands like Ocean’s support Cleanhub’s mission to protect and preserve our oceans.
Globally, 91% of plastic waste does not get recycled. Non-recyclable items such as plastic bags, wrappers, and food containers end up in the environment because it is too expensive to treat them. Cleanhub steps in to collect these items and turn them into something with value. They get repurposed as an energy source.
Cleanhub uses software to monitor, track and verify how much waste is recovered by their collection partners. Partners report plastic waste collection through an app that also connects them to a curated network of safe treatment facilities. Through this digital platform, Cleanhub can guarantee that all parties involved have collected and treated the plastic waste as promised.
Learn more about Cleanhub.

Ocean Wise

Ocean Wise
Ocean Wise is a conservation program that educates and empowers consumers about the issues surrounding sustainable seafood.
Did you know: approximately 85% of the world’s fish stocks are overfished or fully exploited?
Overfishing is the greatest threat to our oceans today. When you see the Ocean Wise symbol next to a seafood item it’s your assurance of an ocean-friendly choice. Sustainable options are species that are caught or farmed in ways that ensure the long-term health and stability of that species, as well as the greater marine ecosystem.
The program uses four criteria when recommending a species:
- It’s abundant and resilient to fishing pressures.
- It’s well-managed with a comprehensive management plan based on current research.
- It’s harvested in a method that ensures limited bycatch on non-target and endangered species.
- It’s harvested in ways that limit damage to marine or aquatic habitats and negative interactions with other species.
It’s not too late to take action to protect our oceans and Ocean Brands is committed to continually improving our seafood sourcing. Look for the Ocean Wise symbol on our products, your assurance of an ocean friendly choice.
For more information on the Ocean Wise program click here.
Committed to transparency, we trace information on all our products from ocean to table and make that information available to you, our valued customer.
You can learn more about each brand’s sustainable fishing initiatives and find out where your fish came from by visiting: